今年全国两会已正式拉开序幕,江苏国际频道联合荔枝新闻客户端、我苏网Jiangsu Story推出《全国两会世界“观”》特别策划,用外国人的视角看全国两会。他们对两会有什么话要说?最关注中国发展的哪个方面?一起来听!
The annual sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) , the Two Sessions for short, are underway. Jiangsu International Channel, Litchi News and Ourjiangsu.com will present you with a series of reports called China’s Two Sessions: What Do Foreigners Think? We have interviewed foreigners living, studying, or working in Jiangsu. Let’s hear what they say about the Two Sessions or Lianghui!
(编辑/周安琪 江苏国际频道/吉敏 吴彬 张警 赵天阳 英文审校/王银泉 设计/王晨)