他们,来自不同的国家,有着不同的文化背景,但却缠绕着一种中国情结;他们,因不同的梦想而来,栖居在不同领域,却都充满了对梦想的追求、对事业的执著和对江苏的挚爱。他们的故事,汇聚在一起,便成为时代的缩影。12月17日起,江苏国际频道联合荔枝新闻、我苏网,推出“我的江苏故事(My Jiangsu Story)——庆祝改革开放40年特别策划”,一起来听,他们的江苏故事。
“I am Mark Stubbs, I am a British expatriate here living in China for ten years.”
Mark Stubbs, a British man, is currently Financial Director for North Asia of Lenzing Group and Senior Member of Chartered Management Accountants. Mark Stubbs has worked in Europe and Asia for many years, gaining many experiences in management. About why he chose Nanjing in the first time, Mark had a different understanding.
“When I first came, it was ten years ago, I actually came here for what the Europeans call the ‘look see’ tour. So you come with your family. I came actually with my wife and we looked around, instantly liked it. A lot of family and friends said to us China is a developing country, it will be very different, you know, even warned us not to come .They were wrong, of course, since I've had visitors afterwards come to see us here and they are amazed how quickly Nanjing has changed and how modern it is.”Mark Said.
For Mark, the city is changing and the life is also changing. He feels that it is very convenient to live in Nanjing.
“I pick on things like the buildings .I mean there's, since I've been here, there's a lot of skyscrapers now, very modern buildings ,new shopping centers, the metro system has changed completely, far more expansive and grown. The other thing you notice as well is how people pay for things. I know it sounds peculiar, but things like Alipay and Wechat China leads the world in modern mobile devices, that's for sure. My son has recently gone back to study university in the UK after having been here for ten years and he misses being able to pay. He misses the Wechat pay, the Alipay.”Mark Said.
Mark believes that there is no doubt that such a huge change in China has benefited from reform and opening-up.
“None of those things would have happened unless the reforms and opening up was a reality. I think it was a big milestone in Chinese history. Opening up has changed life here I would say in china economically. And that has had an impact on people's standard of livings; people travelling hear more and everything else. I'm not Chinese(however) I've lived here ten years, but I'd say if I was Chinese, it had to be a one of the biggest events in Chinese history that has changed beyond recognition.”Mark Said.
The Lenzing Group is based in Austria. In 2005, the Nanjing Production Base was established and it became one of the largest investment projects in Asia.
“Our company here started with two production lines or about 60,000 tons a year. Today, we nearly triple that. We employ including contractors, nearly a thousand people. This in Europe would be quite a big site. I know in China there are bigger ones for sure and in Nanjing but for us European’s it's a big sight, a big investment and a big trust in Nanjing for a company to invest such money. So the company here has changed a lot in ten years, reflecting how china has changed and Nanjing in the ten years. And it's really good because with companies like ours investing here in Nanjing, we have invested in the economy locally, we pay taxes, we give employment and jobs to I said about a thousand people. This helps (raising the)standard of living for people here.”Mark Said.
Over ten years ago, Mark and his family moved to Nanjing because of his job. Different city and different culture bring different life to his children.
“This has been very useful for my son. I said, he's gone back to university in the UK now. He's studying business and economics at Warwick University and he was telling me at least 25% of the people on his course are Chinese. So having a cultural background being here for ten years is really useful to him. He can speak to English people and he can understand the culture and speak some Chinese. He speaks fluent German from the time we used to live in Germany. So you know, I think the world is opening up and changing dramatically. And in fact, interestingly now at least in the UK from what I hear, families are promoting their children to start to learn Chinese. When I was a child, when I studied a foreign language, the first one you always study was French. But I hear now more and more that families want their children to learn mandarin, because this is the changing world that China is on the world stage now. I mean it's now number two world economy behind America, but it won't stay there for sure. It will overtake. It is just when.”Mark Said.
Mark feels that Nanjing is just like his second hometown, and he with his family will continue to work and live in Nanjing for the next ten years.
“Nanjing has a lot of interesting places you can go to visit. As I said, the green is one of the things I like the most. Also what I like about this city is the contrast between modern and old. That's important. It is so nice where cities still keep the heritage and keep the older areas so you can do both. That's also really interesting for me be able to go somewhere like the Intercontinental Hotel which is in the tallest building in Nanjing and it's extreme modern. And be able to go somewhere like a small quiet park area where you can see the real Chinese culture, that extreme all in one city.”Mark Said.