环球视野看中国 | 以媒体为枢纽,我们向世界讲述“中国故事”

2018年09月01日 15:07:46 | 来源:荔枝网

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  2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-Up Policy. Jiangsu International Channel, Litchi news and Ourjiangsu.com present you with a special series called Foreigners’ Perspectives of 4 Decades of Reform and Opening-Up by interviewing foreigners of various sectors to share their views on China’s development in the past 4 decades



  In fact, in terms of the development of the media, I think China is well ahead of many other countries in practices and thinking. China's use of technology, artificial intelligence, and the use of VR technology to report these new ideas can be shared with ASEAN countries. Then the ASEAN countries can learn from each other and learn from China's experience. What I said just now is thinking, so in terms of practice, China has a lot of practices in VR and in the application of AI. Some of the results of its practice can also be shared among ASEAN countries. Using the original media platforms of the ASEAN countries, the news of the region can be spread out in a more complete way, which would further facilitate regional cooperation. The ASEAN countries are also building a community to forge a better relationship with China. I think the media can also play a better role in this regard.


  We are currently cooperating with both China News Service and Xinhua News Agency. And I hope we will forge partnership with other newspaper publishers like the Shandong Overseas Chinese News and Shenzhen Overseas Chinese News. We are looking for more partners and expecting more reports that interest our readers.


  With all the technology and 40-years of opening-up, I can say that I saw many Chinese news agencies that are reaching out to the world, not just in Chinese, but in English and other languages. Even in Thailand, you have many bureaus that bring the stories from China and make it in Thai language. So this is very useful to open up to the world and for the local people to understand what is exactly happening in your country from your point of view.

  (视频编导:吴彬 齐道政 ;编辑:周安琪 刘静;设计:贾辰婧 吴倩;摄像:张警 赵天阳 张超)


