
2016年02月19日 16:46:05 | 来源:荔枝网

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 (荔枝新闻专稿     文/周小七)



此外,文中图均为作者原配,亮点满满,请自寻。 Ready? Go! 】  



(原文:Drinking can be a lot of fun, but drinking with Chinese people can be quite tricky. During Chinese new year I attended over 10 drinking occasions with Chinese people and this article is what I learned with my sweat and blood. And vomit.)

1.杯子千万要低   (Lower Your Glass)


无论何时,只要有人向你敬酒   ,你就立马趴地上,方可占据有利地形。实在不行,就勒住对方脖子让他昏过去好了——为了保持“谦恭”,什么招儿都能使。

(原文:It's a social custom that you lower your glass when cheers-ing people you respect. However, it's also a social custom that you lower your glass when the other lowers their glass for you. You don't want to be seen as an arrogant asshole who holds the glass up straight, so make sure you fight hard to win the Lowering Glass Contest. Whenever someone makes a toast to you, throwing yourself on the floor immediately is a safe defense move, but feel free to choke his neck and make him pass out - it's never too much to defend your humility.)

2.请跟上节奏!  ( Keep Up Your Pace)

什么?你说你更喜欢独自待在某个角落,慢品一杯红葡萄酒,做一枚静静的美男子?Sorry,那你走错地方了。中国的酒桌上,会有一个人执掌“酒速”大权。他将决定你:喝啥酒,啥时候喝酒,喝多少酒,跟谁喝酒……他,就是“酒司令”(Drinking Jockey)。“酒司令”就像酒桌上的捕猎者,谁与他目光相对,谁就死定了。

友情提醒,请警惕以下信号:“是男人嘛?干   了!”“给面子不?干了!”“你要是不喝的话……干了!”  

【荔枝小编注:DJ(Disk Jockey) 原意流行音乐主持人,这里作者Disk替换为Drinking,戏称之为“酒司令”】

(原文:You prefer sipping your red wine slowly and quietly in the corner? Sorry, you are walking into the wrong party. At every Chinese drinking occasion there’s a guy in control of everyone's pace. He decides what you drink, when you drink, how much you drink, and who you drink with - he is the DJ (Drinking Jockey). A DJ is like a predator at the table - whoever looks him in the eye will die. Watch out for these warning signs: "If you’re a man, drink up!" "If you give me face, drink up!" "If you don't drink... Drink up!")


3. 来,吐一场!  (Vomit On The Table)



(原文:Vomiting is embarrassing most of the time, but when you are drinking with Chinese, to drink until you vomit is a valuable virtue. It means you've overcome your own limit and become your own God - you've become immortal. When a man throws up at the drinking table, his friends adore him, his boss values him, and the girl whom he vomits on falls in love with him. Even thousands of years have passed, people will still be talking about the epic day: "Remember when he vomited like a fountain? Wasn't it beautiful?")


4. 万万不能忘——吹,牛,逼(大写加粗)  (Don't Forget To Chui Niu Bi)



【荔枝小编注:本段原文,作者将吹牛逼译为“Chui Niu Bi”,这份直爽也是real任性…之后作者贴心为外国伙伴们附上了“brag”一词作为补充,意为“吹牛,自夸”。】

(原文:The easiest way to infiltrate into a Chinese group is to get drunk and enjoy Chui Niu Bi (brag) together. However there are exquisite rules for what you brag about and it can be dangerous if you bring up the wrong topic. You may brag about how many people you've beaten up if you're in the northeast, but what helps blowing up the Niu Bi in the south may be how much you make from stocks. However, a universal topic for Chinese is politics and the government - everyone agrees it's the best!)


好了,吐槽完毕。希望此刻的你,已经从中国新年酒席中满血复活!我们都知道酒精能害死人,但谁知,又有多少人却是因它而生的呢…… :0  

(原文:Thanks for reading this article, and I hope that you've recovered from the Chinese new year drinking feast. We all know that alcohol kills people, but how many were born because of it? :0)







