对于许多人来说,如今这过年啊……还真是挺没意思 的。
(图via speakofchina.com)
I started teaching English in China this past fall, and met a wonderful Chinese man。 I never expected to have a Chinese boyfriend, or expected it so soon! But we’ve been dating since October, and are very much in love。
However, I am really starting to freak out because he asked me to spend Chinese New Year at his parents home。 I am so concerned about meeting his parents。 I know family is a really big deal in China, and it seems that if they don’t like me, my boyfriend and I don’t have a future。
不过啊……当男票要我今年春节和他一起回去过年时,我还真是有一点崩溃的。 要见他爸妈,这真的很纠结啊!我知道中国人很看重家庭,而且若是他爸妈不喜欢我的话,估计我们也没法继续走下去了。
I really need to impress them! I’ve only started learning Mandarin, so I’m barely proficient, but I guess a little is better than none at all。
我需要给他们二老留下好印象! 嗯,只能从学说普通话开始了,虽然我说得很烂,但总比完全开不了口要好吧~
I’m definitely going to bring gifts (thanks so much for the great suggestions!)。
But I was wondering what other advice you might have — specifically, what should I do to make the visit go smoothly? I really could use some help! Thanks!
Kelly妹纸的“求助信” 是发在一个博客 上的。
而这个博客的博主不是别人,正是咱们之前介绍过好几次的著名洋媳妇——乔斯林 (Jocelyn Eikenburg)。
这次,对于Kelly妹纸的求助,乔斯林也以“过来人”的身份给了一些贴心的建议 。
Every Chinese family, obviously, will be different, and react differently to you — so I can’t guarantee marriage for you too。 But there are some things you can do to improve your chances of making a smashing first impression:
1。 Gifts are a must for the family, as you already know。
一定要给他家人准备礼物 !是的~这一点你已经提到了。
It’s the best way to create goodwill from the first “Ni Hao” (after all, Chinese people tend to show their feelings through indirect means, such as gifts, so it’s a language they understand)。 I’d follow the gift-giving suggestions I’ve laid out, leaning towards vitamins for his parents and grandparents。 Find out what other relatives will be present and bring something for them, too。→ 可以给他的父母和爷爷奶奶准备维生素 一类的保健品,也要带点儿别的礼物送给其他亲戚。
2。 Avoid physical contact with your Chinese boyfriend in front of his family。
不要 在他的家人面前和他卿卿我我 。
I’ve never seen my husband’s family members hug, kiss or even hold hands in front of us。 Additionally, it will only reinforce the unfortunate stereotype that all Western women are “easy” or “seductresses。”→ 在亲戚面前拥抱接吻什么的,会给他们一种“西方女人不矜持甚至不检点” 的感觉。
3。 Defer to his family, especially the elders。
多顺着 他的家人,尤其是老年人。
Chinese families prize filial behavior and deference to elders。 That means being more passive — let his family “set the schedule” and be in charge。 If they plan meals or have outings or other activities, go along and be a good guest (such as, being the last to sit at the table)。 Avoid complaining in public, even about annoyances like smoking (try, instead, to resolve issues with the help of your boyfriend)。 They will appreciate you for this。→ 他们家人要安排什么活动,老老实实参加就行。不要自作主张,不要公开抱怨,做个有礼貌的好客人。
4。 Bring photos to share。
可以带些照片 去分享给他们看。
They’re a great way to “break the ice” with his family and make a personal connection。 Things were pretty tense that first Chinese New Year I spent with my Chinese husband — but when I brought out the photos of my family and vacations, suddenly his parents began talking with me。 It was a real turning point。→ 带点你自己家人过节的照片 给他们看,化解初见的尴尬冷场有奇效!
5。 Don’t talk about your relationship with his family, unless they ask you。
除非他们主动问起,否则不要 主动谈你和你男票的感情状况 。
I doubt they will — love is still an embarrassing, highly personal topic in China。
6。 Don’t talk about where you might live in the future。
别谈你们今后打算去哪里定居 这种事。
I’m assuming your Chinese boyfriend is an only child。 If he is, his parents might worry that a foreign girl will take him away from China — leaving nobody to care for them in old age。 If anyone presses you about staying indefinitely in China, simply give a vague, noncommittal answer, such as “that’s interesting。”→ 你男票应该也是独生子吧?他的家人会很怕你今后把他“拐”去国外、让他们老无所依的。这事儿现在能不提就别提, 含糊应付下就好。
7。 Bring a nice, new outfit to wear。
带一件好看的新衣服 过去穿。
In Chinese New Year, everyone wears new clothing on the first day of the new year for good luck — so why not take the opportunity to impress your potential inlaws? When I first “met the parents,” I had a Tang-dynasty style jacket and skirt tailor-made just for the occasion。 Of course, it was freezing and I only wore it part of the Chinese New Year’s day。 But it left a lasting impression。→ 中国人有“新年穿新衣”的习俗,记得大年初一换上新衣服 。我当时穿的就是中国唐风的外套和裙子~
可见,在咱们眼中“没啥意思”的春节,对于洋媳妇洋女婿们来说,还是煞费苦心 、需要狠动一番脑筋 去应付的。
其实,无论去哪里,遵循“入乡随俗” 总是错不了的。
对于要在中国过年的洋媳妇洋女婿们也是如此。与其把它当成一个难以迈过的“槛”,不如当做一次深度体验中国风土人情的好机 会—— 你想想,哪个老外能像你这样,零距离全方位地感受中国的春节文化呢?
去年,美国媳妇Jessica 就去到了老公的老家——广东湛江 的农村,深度体验了一回中国人的过年方式。
但下面这位美国女婿,可就有些纠结 了……
在中国过年时,欧阳友华的岳父母准备了丰盛的年夜饭 。
我退缩了。 唯一一道蔬菜还是被包在牛肉或章鱼里。
丈母娘注意到我不敢下筷,“你为什么不吃肉?” 她问道,还给我夹了个鸡腿,“你很穷吗?在美国吃不起肉吗?”
由于这顿年夜饭几乎没有蔬菜,可怜的欧阳友华几乎是蘸着酱油 吃完了一碗饭。
这一餐的早餐很特别,没有肉,却有8道不同的蔬菜。 原来,这一餐素食是为了表示怜悯并祈求8种不同的运气。我尝遍每一道菜,都吃光光了。
我感到很满足,但是丈母娘却不满足,坚持要继续给我做菜,直到我吃不下为止。 这无疑是这一年里最丰盛的一餐了。
据说,如今欧阳友华每次跟中国丈母娘吃饭,后者都会给他准备特别多的蔬菜 ……超级暖心的!
而对于这些外国的媳妇女婿来说,能在中国过次春节,感受下被众人“围观”的感觉 ,那也是挺独一无二的有趣体验啊~
比如下面这枚瑞士 女婿,每次过年都会成为中国亲戚们的焦点……
▲Marc Hunziker和妻子的中国亲戚们 (图via South China Morning Post)
“At all my family gatherings, my husband will become the centre of attention,” said Qiu, a 34-year-old marketing manager at a state-owned firm in Shanghai, who married Hunziker in May。 “‘Do you like Chinese food, how did you pick up the Chinese language, what do the Swiss people do during Christmas?’ … My relatives are very interested to find out his views。”
Hunziker said it all started to feel slightly repetitive after the first few days, but it was good to see his wife’s relatives again every year。 He communicates well with Qiu’s family ashe speaks fluent Putonghua。
如果连起码的中文 都不会说,还得靠你的中国老公/太太帮忙翻译,那交流起来就hin尴尬了……