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编者按:为庆祝新中国成立70周年,江苏国际频道联合我苏网、荔枝新闻特别策划《环球视野看江苏——Top Talk》高端系列访谈。12位来自全球各领域的企业高管、各国政府官员、驻沪总领事、行业专家、知名学者等,讲述他们眼中江苏乃至中国的喜人变化,畅谈全球与江苏的友好合作,展望江苏蓬勃发展的美好前景。
自4月29日起,每周一、三、五晚推出,一起聆听“TOP TALK”,了解世界如何读懂江苏!
本期嘉宾:Therese Healy 爱尔兰驻沪总领事
今年爱尔兰国庆日——圣帕特里克节期间,爱尔兰驻上海总领事Therese Healy(何莉女士)再次拜访南京,来到了南京工业大学海外教育学院,为该校师生带来了深化教育合作的理念。《环球视野看江苏——TOP TALK》第九期,我们邀请到何莉女士,听她谈一谈她与江苏的情谊以及深化教育、扩展教育合作的美好愿景。
1979年,中国和爱尔兰签署建交公报; 2017年,江苏省与爱尔兰科克郡结成友好省郡,共同开展了“三叶草杯”中学生演讲比赛等一系列文化活动。她说:“今年是中爱正式建交40周年,两国的高层互访在刚刚建交时就非常频繁;今年也是爱尔兰香农自由贸易区建成60周年,所以这一年对中国和爱尔兰来说都意义重大。”
In 1979, China and Ireland signed the Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relation; in 2017, Jiangsu province and the County of Cork became sister cities and carried out a series of cultural activities including “Shamrock Cup English Competition”. She said “We also celebrate some landmarks between Ireland and China this year, including the 40th anniversary of the diplomatic relations. It also marks the 60th year of the establishment of the Shannon free trade zone which was the first modern free trade zone in the world. In the early years of our cooperation, we had a very strong link between Chinese politicians and Irish. ”
Located in the west of Ireland, Shannon Free Trade Zone was established in 1959 and was the world’s first free trade zone. During the development of several decades, Shannon Free Trade Zone has not only made important contributions to Ireland's economic development, but also provided a useful reference for the open economy of many countries in the world. The Special Economic Zone of China, the Pudong New Area of Shanghai and the Binhai New Area of Tianjin have drawn on many useful experiences of the Shannon Development Zone.
Talking about development and progress, Ms. Healy said“ not quite the same procedure that we have experienced something similar and we are very likely to share our experiences, what we would emphasize is our own personal experiences--the real element of success was education policy. That opened up our country, opened up opportunities for students, it made us more open minded, it let us to become more innovative”.
China is also laying emphasis on education and innovation all the time, which is “knowledge-building, innovation and vision”and going further on education reform and sharing cooperation with Ireland. Paying a visit to College of Overseas Education, Nanjing Tech University, Ms. Healy would like to introduce Irish Culture on one hand and promote the education cooperation between the two universities on the other hand.
TU Dublin and Nanjing Tech University have enjoyed a history of cooperation for 12 years. Ms. Healy said that over the past 12 years, the relationship is growing very much, student exchanges are happening, and the teachers from TU Dublin are continuing to come every year to teach in Nanjing. The students from Nanjing Tech could travel to Dublin to experience Irish education first-hand and experience living in Ireland. What’s more, “over the 12 years, it is gone beyond the academic exchanges and student exchanges to deeper friendship as the people to people contacts have grown very much”. “But I think there's potential to do even more to expand the range of subjects.” Ms. Healy said and she thought it was supposed to “increase the number of Nanjing tech faculty who are going to Ireland to learn how we for example prepare education and study for those students”.
“And essentially we want for both universities to build up their students so that the students are as well traveled as well as for us to learn the cultures is possible. And we see China and Ireland being very natural fits. So those cooperation will bring great benefits to both sides. And this is something we really want to do. So ultimately we see it as something beyond student exchanges to the deeper, more personal exchange of information exchange, of cultural experiences so that the students are best equipped for the modern world. ”Ms. Healy commented.
Ms. Healy said the opening-up of China is overwhelmingly successful, and she sent her congratulations to Chinese government and the Chinese people, because people are the drive to every development and progress.
According to Ms. Healy, “now we’ve entered into a new phase and it can be a more complex phase, because when we’ve reached certain level of development, there are more difficult choices to be made. For China, the choices are about what type of economic development there will be, what type of society there will be, how would China deal with the issue of rapidly growing populations and also urbanizations as we move away from rural areas to the cities”. A high-tech society may solve many problems, but the citizens are the forefront. And “making sure for the citizen, their life, and their experience is as enjoyable as possible. Everybody has equal opportunity to as everybody else to make progress, that’s very commendable”. Ms. Healy said.
Taking office as Consul General of Ireland in Shanghai in 2015, Ms. Healy spent her first Chinese New Year in Nanjing and attached special feelings to the city and its people. Ms. Healy is looking forward to more trips between Jiangsu and Shanghai to work out more education cooperation between Jiangsu and Ireland.
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(江苏国际频道记者/齐道政 张家旺 周恬田 我苏网编辑/钱薇)