
2018年12月20日 11:10:32 | 来源:荔枝网

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  他们,来自不同的国家,有着不同的文化背景,但却缠绕着一种中国情结;他们,因不同的梦想而来,栖居在不同领域,却都充满了对梦想的追求、对事业的执著和对江苏的挚爱。他们的故事,汇聚在一起,便成为时代的缩影。12月17日起,江苏国际频道联合荔枝新闻、我苏网,推出“我的江苏故事(My Jiangsu Story)——庆祝改革开放40年特别策划”,一起来听,他们的江苏故事。







Hans Stoter is now the executive director of Nanjing Stuttgart Joint Exhibition Ltd. In 1994, an opportunity made Nanjing a part of his life.


“The first time I came to China was in 1994, and was also to Nanjing. We came with a group of about 20 students and several professors to China.” said Hans.


“We were students, but we were doing things like market research for Dutch companies. Dutch companies paid us to do work in China, so it was not like a study tour only.”


The rich culture and unique customs have given Hans a deep impression. However, what was more impressive during the market survey was the irresistible momentum of the market after the Reform and Opening-Up Policy.


“China was still not as developed as now, but it started developing very quickly. It was really interesting to work together with foreign companies and foreigners and build the exchanges. I found it really interesting and it was one of the reasons why afterwards I came back to China and work.”

  1999年,瀚思开始在展览行业工作。此时,南京在展览业方面所展现出的巨大市场潜力也吸引了德国著名展览公司Messe Stuttgart的注意。

In 1999, Hans began to work in the exhibition industry. At that time, the great market potential of Nanjing in the exhibition industry has also attracted the attention of Messe Stuttgart, a leading German exhibition company.


Both local governments of Nanjing and Jiangsu, because of the sister relationship, they have been extremely helpful in setting up the joint venture.”


In 2011, Nanjing Stuttgart Joint Exhibition Ltd. officially settled in the Nanjing International Expo Center in Jianye District.


“Look at our company, we have about forty people, and we are divided in project teams. We organize about eight, nine exhibitions per year. Besides, we also attract all the other exhibitions coming to our venue, so normally a project team works a whole year on one or two exhibitions per year.”


Since its establishment in 2011, Nanjing Stuttgart Joint Exhibition Ltd. organizes 80 large-scale foreign exhibitions every year.The company now manages 120, 000 sqm exhibition venues in Nanjing. The largest exhibition attracts exhibitors from over 30 countries and regions around the world.


Being engaged in the exhibition industry for 19 years, Hans is still full of confidence towards China's exhibition market. To him, Nanjing would be a paradise for exhibition industry in every aspect from infrastructures like expo centers to the general environment.


“China is now the second biggest exhibition market in the world, and very quickly it will be the number one. You have to be smarter. You have to be more open nowadays in order to grasp that. The business opportunities are there in China.”


Over the years, more and more exhibition companies have had a fancy to Nanjing's exhibition environment and entered Nanjing’s market. But Hans is confident in the fierce market competition and is ready to take Nanjing Stuttgart Joint Exhibition further with new concepts and new ideas.



