2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-Up Policy. Jiangsu International Channel, Litchi news and Ourjiangsu.com present you with a special series called Foreigners’ Perspectives of 4 Decades of Reform and Opening-Up by interviewing foreigners of various sectors to share their views on China’s development in the past 4 decades.
I think I’m positive to the opening policy. Like always, there might be some waves where you have to overcome some obstacles, but the strategy is there. No one in this world can go back from the global interaction. China moved so far to be completely integrated into the world-wide economy. And China has benefited from it in the past. So this will continue. I’m very confident when I listen to Mr. Xi Jinping.
We’ve also seen lots of improvements in local business environments. These on-the-ground changes make a big difference for European businesses and for Chinese businesses as well. We’ve also seen quite a bit of progress in R&D environment. 2/3 of our members in our most recent report found that the business environment in China is either above worldwide average or equal to the worldwide average, which is a great piece of progress.
I think general it’s positive that China keeps opening up more. Maybe other countries in the world are moving in the other direction. I don’t think that’s a good thing. I think it’s good to work together on challenges that we all face. So opening up and working internationally I think that’s sort of giving. And that’s very welcomed, of course, to have this open mind set also in China and give more market access to international players as well.
(视频编导:吴彬 齐道政 ;编辑:周安琪 汪璐;设计:贾辰婧 吴倩;摄像:张警 赵天阳 张超)