环球视野看中国 | 开放的胸怀,让身处同一个世界的我们成为彼此的家人

2018年08月31日 11:09:49 | 来源:荔枝网

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  2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-Up Policy. Jiangsu International Channel, Litchi news and Ourjiangsu.com present you with a special series called Foreigners’ Perspectives of 4 Decades of Reform and Opening-Up by interviewing foreigners of various sectors to share their views on China’s development in the past 4 decades. 


  I believe that at the sub-national level within the province and the state of California as well as local municipalities, it will deepen that relationship. And the stronger it becomes, the deeper it becomes, the more likelihood that beyond differences and national policy that you’ll just see a continuous exchange of ideas, of resources, of investment, of education. So I think that it only gets stronger. And you’ll see more of a deepening connection between the two, Jiangsu Province and the state of California.


  You now have in Nanjing, in Jiangsu world-beating companies. Some of those have been grown out of Nanjing. So whether or not a company like Suning, or a company like SanPower, has grown out of Nanjing. Others are actually collaborating with international companies. So I think, that is the change from when I was here before. And I also think there is a change amongst the people as well. Nanjing has always been an international city.


  I’m very glad of our close cooperation with Jiangsu. I’m very glad to see all this kind of activities we have together with different cities. We built very strong relations of cooperation between Israeli businessmen and Chinese businessmen from Jiangsu.


  There’s a free trade of agreement coming between China and Sri Lanka. So this will increase the volume of trade. And we also have a sea port in Sri Lanka that has been built by China. And China’s also building many roads. There are many Chinese people in Sri Lanka. You will find a Chinese person in any small town in Sri Lanka. So I think that’s a good thing. I think this is one world. And all these people are one family.


  (视频编导:吴彬 齐道政 ;编辑:周安琪 刘静 汪璐;设计:贾辰婧 吴倩 摄像:张警 赵天阳 张超


