
2017年05月06日 00:07:04 | 来源:财报

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  1. What adjustments to reported earnings do you make?



  [When goodwill was required to be amortized,] we ignored amortization of goodwill and told our owners to ignore it, even though it was in GAAP [Generally Accepted Accounting Principles]. We felt that it was arbitrary.









  We thought crazy pension assumptions caused people to record phantom earnings. So, we\'re willing to tell you when we think there\'s data that is more useful than GAAP earnings.


  Not thinking of depreciation as an expense is crazy. I can think of a few businesses where one could ignore depreciation charges, but not many. Even with our gas pipelines, depreciation is real -- you have to maintain them and eventually they become worthless (though this may be 100 years).


  It [depreciation] is reverse float -- you lay out money before you get cash. Any management that doesn\'t regards depreciation as an expense is living in a dream world, but they\'re encouraged to do so by bankers. Many times, this comes close to a flim flam game.


  People want to send me books with EBITDA and I say fine, as long as you pay cap ex. There are very few businesses that can spend a lot less than depreciation and maintain the health of the business.


  This is nonsense. It couldn\'t be worse. But a whole generation of investors have been taught this. It\'s not a non-cash expense -- it\'s a cash expense but you spend it first. It\'s a delayed recording of a cash expense.


  We at Berkshire are going to spend more this year on cap ex than we depreciate.


  2. Recommendation of a book on accounting?



  I haven\'t read an accounting book in years. I think I read Finney[?] in college. I\'d suggest reading Berkshire reports and things like magazine articles about accounting scandals. You need to know how figures are put together, but also have to bring something else. Read a lot of business articles and annual reports. If I don\'t understand it [an annual report], it\'s probably because the management doesn\'t want me to understand it. And if that\'s the case, usually there\'s something wrong.


  [CM: Asking Warren what good books he knows about accounting is like asking him what good books he has on breathing. You start with basic rules of bookkeeping, and then you have to spend a lot of time [to really become knowledgeable]]


  3. What can be done to improve the accuracy of financial statements of financial institutions? What can be done to improve the integrity of financial statements?



  WB: It is a very tough thing. I still lean strongly towards fair value accounting—it is hard to use, but should we use cost? I think there are more troubles when you start openly valuing things at prices that don’t matter instead of best estimates, even if inaccurate. I would stick with financials reporting assets at fair value. When you get into CDO-squared [Collateralized Debt Obligation-Squared], the documentation is enormous. If you read a standard residential security prospectus it consists of thousands of mortgages, then different tranches. Then, you take a CDO and you take junior tranches on a whole bunch of juniors— put them together, and diversified in theory—a big error to start with. That was nuttiness squared. You had to read 15,000 pages to understand a CDO and 750,000 pages to evaluate one single security in a CDO-squared. To let people use the 100 cents they paid as the stated value versus the 10 cents it trades at in the market is an abomination. Fair value discipline, mild as it may be, may keep managements from doing some stupid things. I lean toward the market value approach. When you get towards complex instruments, I don’t know how you value it. Charlie, back at Salomon, I think you found one mismarked by $20 million, right?


  Then, you take a CDO and you take junior tranches on a whole bunch of juniors— put them together, and diversified in theory—a big error to start with. That was nuttiness squared. You had to read 15,000 pages to understand a CDO and 750,000 pages to evaluate one single security in a CDO-squared. Fair value discipline, mild as it may be, may keep managements from doing some stupid things. I lean toward the market value approach. When you get towards complex instruments, I don’t know how you value it. Charlie, back at Salomon, I think you found one mismarked by $20 million, right?


  CM: A lot goes on in the bowels of American industry which is not pretty. A lot of people got overdosed on Ayn Rand. They would hold that even an axe murderer in a free market is a wise development. I think Alan Greenspan did a good job on average, but he overdosed on Ayn Rand, in that whatever happens in a free market is going to be all right. We should prohibit some things. If we had banned the phrase, “this is a financial innovation which will diversify risk,” we would have been far better off.


  4. Would you comment on companies you say use questionable accounting practices to make their operations look good?



  We follow a policy of ?“criticize by practice, and praise by name.?” You could say we hate the sin, but love the sinner. So I can?’t really name names of companies that I think are doing this kind of thing; I?’ve found that if you go around criticizing others, pretty soon the criticism comes back on you.


  [CM: I don?’t think they want names - I think she?’s asking about the practice in general.


  That?’s different, then. The practices relate to accounting charges, done to smooth out earnings and make future earnings look good. It has become totally fashionable among managements to play with the timing of expenses.


  Options expense recording has become optional as well; I haven?’t seen tons of firms jumping on the chance to record stock compensation expense. And I think it?’s deceptive to see it presented in the footnotes, the way it?’s reported, because of the assumptions companies are using in valuing the options.


  The thinking of these executives goes like this: ?“ Why should I penalize my shareholders for not doing something that others will do to help theirs??” And the bad practices become the norm.







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